Editorial Roundup: United States

Editorial Roundup: United States

Excerpts from recent editorials in the United States and abroad:

July 6

The Washington Post on SCOTUS and how government works

The Supreme Court’s 2024 term might have been defined, to the general public at least, by multiple decisions concerning Donald Trump. These cases matter. But the bigger picture is in how the justices are remaking the U.S. government.

The former president, certainly, had little to complain about. First, the high court ruled, correctly, that he could appear on the ballot this fall. The justices then went many steps too far, declaring, at Mr. Trump’s request, that presidents are presumed to have immunity from criminal liability for “official acts.” The ruling unnecessarily delays Mr. Trump’s trial regarding the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot and encourages Oval Office lawbreaking — assuring presidents that they can argue they are just doing their jobs when they do wrong.

Yet the court did much more this term than reshape the checks on the president.

In some…

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